About Us
About Us
Intershipping Terminal Services port operator since 1994
We are recognized in the maritime sector, as a port operator, stevedoring service provider, with experience and specialization in what we do, which has made us a reference company and leader in the venezuelan sector, managing to expand our business units, complementing and facilitating logistics management, meeting the needs of our customers and we continue to grow!!!!

We are present at the main ports of Venezuela, which guarantees our services in any of its categories, satisfying the needs and expectations of customers and suppliers. Kepping our human capital, aligned with our policy, promoting ilicit act’s prevention, meeting the requirements of current legislation, aimed at excellence, quality and satisfaction, as a result of our management.

To provide port maritime services of high and constant quality to its commercial allies, under controlled processes and continuous improvement, working as a team, guaranteeing satisfactory results.

To be the first and best alternative in the market of the global handling of goods, through the high quality of its services supported by a professionally trained and motivated human capital, using efficient internal processes and technology, generating profitability to its shareholders and business associates.

Our people
In Intershipping Terminal Services, we have a team of professionals specialized in each and every one of the areas in which we operate, always focused on providing service with high quality standards.

- Responsibility
- Ethics
- Trust
- Civility
- Cooperation
- Warranty
- Professionalism
- Excellence
- Teamwork
- Reciprocity
Our Policies and Certifications

Certification Nº VENCAR0012-2
Certification Nº VENCAR0012-3
Certification Nº VENCAR0012-4
Quality and Security BASC Policy
“Intershipping Terminal Services, C.A., as Port Operator, Stevedores, Empty Container’s Depot, Storage Facility and related Maritime and Cargo Services, we endorse a secure and protected International Trade and Commerce, against bribe, corruption and money laundering practices, complying with all legal requirements of current legislation and management systems, through a dynamic operational and competitive services, highly committed to maintaining the integrity of the processes, satisfying the needs and expectations, coordinated and integrated between clients, suppliers and our human resourses, promoting the conservation of the environment, the security of the information and technology, through continuous improvement, focused on the common success. “
Our Strategic Alliances

For Intershipping Terminal Services, as a Port Operator and key player in the logistics chain of international trade, it is essential to establish strategic alliances with suppliers and clients whose values, trajectory and expertise are consistent with ours, to ensure and maintain operations, focused on quality, safety and profitability for all parties.
Our trajectory, experience, competitiveness in the market and quality of service, commits us to maintain and raise the standards of our service.

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